
Horse Blogger Online Yard Sale?


I have what may be a great or a terrible idea.

Would anyone be interested in joining an online yard sale blog hop?

The idea is that we choose a week and during that week everyone with horse stuff they want to sell publishes a post with all of that stuff in it. We link everyone’s posts via the blog hop widget.

If anyone out there makes cool stuff and sells via Etsy or anywhere else, you can be included if you do a sale and write a blog post about it.

I’m thinking February 25 – March 4, maybe. The beginnings of spring.

If you think you’d participate, or just browse, can you answer the poll below? If you can’t see it because you’re on an RSS feeder, click through to the post to answer.

13 thoughts on “Horse Blogger Online Yard Sale?

  1. i am so down, and have actually been accumulating some stuff that needs cleaned and organized to do exactly this already. having an actual deadline would maybe make me get off my butt and make it happen?


  2. I’m not sure if i’d have anything to sell. And also some people write blog posts selling really crappy stuff (like breeches with crotch holes wtf) I mean I guess there is no real quality control except people not buying that stuff.


  3. I would normally be excited to sell off some things, but I just sent a check to have a table at a tack sale in April hahaha. I don’t know that I want to sell anything stuff and have not much for it haha!


  4. I’m too late to vote, but I think this is brilliant! Not sure if anyone wants my western stuff, but it’s worth a shot!


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