
WITH BELLS ON! #jinglebellchallenge 2017

So, Alanna of Pony Express did this a few weeks ago, and the second I saw her video I knew I had to try it for myself. I procured some jingle bells, and on the first day I tried – a picturesque snowy day in which I intended to try outside with maximum mood – I got into a small car accident on the way to the barn. Sigh.

The next day, I was determined. I warmed him up, then did a little desensitizing – mostly shook them in his face and then praised him for getting a touch bug-eyed but not actually spooky – and then away we went! He did so great. He was even forward. (Though, obviously, more tense than I would like for a proper dressage ride.) The barn manager was watching and decreed I have to ride with them for the next few weeks. I might just do that! I was grinning ear to ear the whole time. I had forgotten how much fun it was to do something silly and new. I love this horse so much.